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Safe Streets Trafford

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Update: Emergency Active Travel Fund

The Department for Transport (DfT) has made funding available to Local Authorities in favour of people’s safe movement, health and wellbeing. ​The emergency grant funding known as Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF), supports local transport authorities with producing cycling and walking facilities.

Greater Manchester was awarded £3.1m as part of the bid submission. Trafford Council and One Trafford Partnership have been allocated £366k funding from the EATF to improve cycling and walking options for residents and commuters across the borough.

The funding stream is split into two tranches:

  • Tranche 1: Primarily supports the installation of temporary projects in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (current phase)
  • Tranche 2: The creation of longer-term projects (delivery deadline is 31 March 2021).
  • In preparation for the Trafford Bid, an online engagement tool (Commonplace) was launched seeking residents’ views and concerns about active travel interventions which could be introduced to assist in making Trafford more active. Over 1600 responses and 11,300 contributions were received including desires for additional safer segregated cycle lanes, lower vehicle speeds and reduced rat-running traffic.

    After careful review and analysis of comments received from the community, One Trafford Partnership (a partnership between Amey and Trafford Council) put forward proposals to roll out a series of measures to encourage more people to walk and cycle and with a focus on lowering vehicle speeds and reducing rat-running traffic.

    Read more about the locations selected for phase one of the delivery plan and the consultation results for the road closures for through traffic and motor vehicles at selected locations:

    Posted on 15th September 2020

    by Nosheen Haque

    Adjustments to A56 Trafford to Ease Congestion and Protect Cycle Lanes

    Trafford Council is working with partner Amey at One Trafford Partnership to create short and long-term options to improve the protected cycle way along the A56, from Dane Road to Cornbrook Road in Trafford, and into Manchester, while retaining two lanes for motor vehicles.

    The new proposal will seek to accommodate all users of the A56 from across Trafford and follows on from the council’s bold decision earlier this year, where one lane of the carriageway space used by vehicles was allocated to cyclists.

    Temporary measures were put in place using £5m of emergency government funding made available to Greater Manchester Local Authorities, through the Mayor’s Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund. The pop-up cycle lanes enabled people to keep their distance for safe, essential journeys and exercise during the Coronavirus lockdown.

    The walking and cycling infrastructure has provided a safe option of travel for many members of the public as an alternative to using public transport due to Covid-19. Statistics obtained from Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) have shown a considerable amount of growth in people opting to cycle rather than travel by car during the lockdown. The average daily number of people using the pop-up cycle lanes has increased from 102 in June 2020, to 336 in August 2020. This is a 421 per cent increase of cycle journeys in comparison to figures from August 2018.

    Immense support has been received by the public of the pop-up cycle lanes and many people have expressed that the provision of the new lanes has provided them with an opportunity to take up cycling again and venture out with families, feeling safe to use the A56.

    However, with the lockdown easing the cycle lanes are being reviewed due to the build-up of congestion. The level of comments about removing the temporary measures on the A56 have recently increased due to the rise in traffic volumes, children going back to school and people going back to work.

    Cllr Steve Adshead, Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Climate Change at Trafford Council said: “We have been monitoring the success of the pop-up cycle lanes and have listened to what the community would like now that the lockdown has eased. Moving forward we will be looking closely at how the adjusted measures will ease congestion along the route while protecting the most vulnerable road users. This will help us move towards a place that we want future generations to be able to enjoy, while protecting the integrity of all road users.”

    One Trafford Partnership have presented new proposals for the A56 to Trafford Council for their decision, with a view to the new plans being funded from the Emergency Active Travel Fund and Mayor’s Challenge Fund.

    The short, medium and long-term adjustments will continue to provide a level of protection for cycling, while easing congestion for the A56 and the surrounding network. The council are keen on providing options for all members of the public which will protect the integrity of transport, as well as provide a solution to keep the route from Sale to Manchester in place. Funding permitted, measures will include keeping segregated cycleways wherever possible and keeping the traffic flowing by opening lanes to motor vehicles. This will help deliver Trafford Council’s longer-term ambitions for a cleaner and greener transport network that will support and encourage more active travel and reduced car journeys.

    The phased approach of the short and long-term measures that will come into effect from Tuesday 15 September 2020 are:

    · Temporary cones to be removed in the short term from Dane Road to the Chester Road Recycling Centre (Stretford Tip), with a realignment of the road layout to provide protection through this section (to be undertaken as soon as possible, subject to funding)

    · Upgrade to the existing temporary cones along the A56 to provide better cycling infrastructure from Chester Road Recycling Centre (Stretford Tip) to Talbot Road

    · Temporary cones to be removed through Gorse Hill along the A56, from Talbot Road to White City Circle, with a view of longer-term plans in the future

    · Upgrade to the existing temporary cones along the A56 to provide better cycling infrastructure from White City Circle to Cornbrook Road.

    Further permanent measures are being considered along the carriageway due to the success of the pop-up cycle lanes. For more information visit or follow the conversation at @OneTrafford

    Posted on 14th September 2020

    by Nosheen Haque

    Modal Filters

    In many parts of Trafford, pavements are narrow and people walking, and cycling are squeezed into narrow spaces and unable to practice social distancing as required. There are many older and vulnerable people without cars who need more space on roads and footpaths. This quick guide provides further information about modal filters and its benefits.

    What’s a modal filter?

    A modal filter is any measure, at a single point in a road, that allows the passage of some modes of transport but not others. The type of modal filter suggested for use in your road allow walking and cycling but it stops other types of motor traffic.

    Modal filters offer the solution of closing roads to through motor traffic which greatly reduces the number of vehicles using the road, speed reduction, while enhancing walking and cycling. However, access is still available for cyclists and pedestrians. It is extremely likely that a reduction in motor traffic will increase safety.

    In general, modal filters are placed in such a way that all types of motor vehicles can access properties along a road, but through-traffic is prevented. This immediately makes the road much safer for walking and cycling.

    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, modal filters offer the benefit of allowing people to walk in the road, while social distancing. People using mobility scooters and wheelchairs are also able to use roads more safely particularly where foot-ways are narrow and sometimes hard to navigate. Modal filters help towards reducing pollution levels and overall traffic levels, encouraging people to make local journeys by foot or bike.

    Will modal filters affect access for emergency services?

    The team at One Trafford Partnership always consults with emergency services before installing a modal filter. They are generally quite supportive for several reasons. First, safer conditions on a street mean that there are fewer road traffic crashes requiring a response. Second, the reduction in motor traffic on filtered roads means that they are much emptier when the emergency vehicle arrives, making it easy to drive through.

    Where is the car traffic going to go?

    Car journeys will largely take place on main roads, and ideally residential side streets should only be used for access to properties. Decades of studies have shown that removing rat-runs and road space for cars contributes to a reduction in car usage. This will also result in a reduction of pollution and an increase in active travel. The public health benefits for travelling by foot or bike are enormous.

    What is a temporary scheme?

    Much of what has been proposed in the plans following the Emergency Active Travel Fund (ERTF) announcement will be put in place as an ‘Temporary Traffic Regulation Order‘ (TTRO) in order to test out ideas on a temporary basis before a decision is taken to keep the filter or remove it.

    In line with Covid-19 guidance TTROs are being put in place within a limited time-frame but they will be monitored on a regular basis.

    Will I be able to drive and park my car on a road where I live or work if a modal filter is placed outside my home or place of business?

    Yes, residents and businesses directly affected by modal filters will not only have access to their homes and places of business, but they will also be consulted by letter and a short survey to provide their thoughts on whether they would like modal filters to be placed in their area.

    Other drivers will be able to drive their vehicles however they may need to change their route in some cases. Road signs will be placed in any affected areas. If it is an option, people should consider walking or cycling for shorter journeys.

    What about the needs of people with disabilities?

    The One Trafford Partnership has a duty under the Equality Act to make reasonable accommodation to ensure that people with disabilities do not experience any disadvantage compared to able-bodied persons, and that will continue to be the case.

    It’s very important that these schemes also enable more people to walk or cycle, especially people who use hand-cycles, tricycles, various types of cycles adapted for disability, or mobility scooters, and that people with partial sight can safely navigate the temporary changes. Modal filters improve safety for all road users. People will find it much easier to walk, wheel or scoot along a road after a modal filter has been installed because of the greatly reduced amount of motor traffic.

    Will access be available for taxis, service and delivery vehicles to my business or home?

    There will be no motor vehicle access through the filters for taxis, service and delivery vehicles. Access for motor vehicles within this category will be from either side of what is ultimately a closure.

    Residents who work from home for example and have visitors or use taxis as a mode of transport will need to advise taxis to park on the either side of the modal filter.

    Posted on 30th July 2020

    by Nosheen Haque

    Funding Secured to Deliver Phase One of Emergency Active Travel Measures in Trafford

    Trafford Council and partner Amey at One Trafford Partnership have been allocated £366k funding from the emergency active travel grant from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), to improve cycling and walking options for residents and commuters across the borough.

    The council have been working rapidly alongside GMCA and TfGM to decide on locations as part of the first phase of the delivery plan, which are planned to be delivered by 18th September 2020.

    A range of trials have already been put in place to test the concepts of the temporary measures and works will now expand at specific locations identified by the council and the project team at One Trafford Partnership. This will help deliver the council’s longer-term ambitions for a cleaner and greener transport network that will support and encourage more active travel and reduced car journeys.

    Trafford Council launched the #SafeStreetsSaveLives campaign to support social distancing during coronavirus lockdown and recovery, with £5m of emergency funding made available to Greater Manchester Local Authorities through the Mayor’s Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund (MCF). During this campaign, over 1,500 comments were received from residents through the engagement site which have been analysed for phase one of the emergency active travel fund.

    The additional Government funding will advance the Greater Manchester wide campaign to provide pop-up infrastructure and temporary measures to enable safe essential travel for all Trafford residents.

    Locations selected for phase one of the delivery plan are:

  • 12-13 modal filters (road closures for motor vehicles) at various locations
  • Lostock Road, in Urmston
  • Edge Lane, Stretford (Stretford Metro Link) towards Kings Road
  • Pop up cycle lane at Chester Road, Stretford (between City Road and Virgil Street)
  • Pop up cycle lane at Marsland Road, in Sale
  • Pop up cycle lane Edge Lane, in Stretford (between Lime Road and Ingleby Crescent)
  • Leader of Trafford Council, Councillor Andrew Western, said: “Trafford Council have been working with One Trafford (a partnership between Amey and Trafford Council) to put in place a range of temporary measures across the borough, in order to help communities, maintain social distancing, while making safe essential journeys and exercising during the coronavirus lockdown. These proposals have helped ease social distancing at specific locations for cyclists as well as pedestrians with special crossing points being introduced at locations such as bus stops and traffic signals.

    “The health and wellbeing of Trafford’s residents is our number one priority and we will do everything we can to make sure people are safe during this crisis. Therefore, works will now expand where the need arises, following £3.1m of funding made available to Greater Manchester Local Authorities through the GMCA.”

    Cllr Steve Adshead, Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Climate Change at Trafford Council said: “We will also be looking closely at how these short-term and essential measures that will be introduced can help us move towards a place that we want future generations to be able to enjoy.”

    Chris Boardman, Cycling and Walking Commissioner for Greater Manchester, said: “This emergency funding has empowered Greater Manchester leaders to take immediate action and provide safe travel options for their residents to get to and from key areas.

    “By creating temporary space for people to cycle and walk along major protected routes local authorities can support those who want to do their bit to help save public transport for people who need it most. This will also ensure that the third of Greater Manchester households who don’t have access to a car are not denied the right to safe travel options.

    “These are big changes to make and I commend the local authorities for mobilising so quickly and showing bravery and commitment in reallocating space. Their actions will truly make a difference to social inclusion during this emergency situation and make sure everyone has access to safe travel.”

    Community engagement has played a big role in selecting locations for phase one of the delivery plan and residents affected by works such as road closures will be consulted to have their say through an online survey. All comments received will be reviewed by the council before the works commence.

    The plan for this would be to introduce the temporary measures following the end of consultation with the residents or as soon as is reasonably practical.

    The temporary works will be designed and agreed with Greater Manchester Police, other emergency services and the GMCA to ensure safe and efficient movement along selected routes, while improving provision and safety for cycling and walking.

    If this initiative proves successful and the community welcome the changes then the temporary measures may become permanent in the future following further public consultation.

    Letters with further information will be delivered to residents affected by some of road closures who can have their say by visiting

    The survey will be live from Tuesday 28th July until on Sunday 9th August.

    Posted on 27th July 2020

    by Nosheen Haque

    Trafford Council has adjusted its temporary cycle lane in Sale to help ease recent traffic issues in the area

    The local authority has today moved the cycle lane back from the Ashfield Road junction to the Dane Road junction of the A56 to help traffic flow.

    Trafford Council has been reviewing cycle lanes in the area based on traffic data and yesterday adjusted the A56 scheme by moving it back to Sibson Road. The Council installed the cycle lanes during the Coronavius pandemic as a result of calls from the government to provide more road space for cycling and walking.

    Andrew Western, Leader of Trafford Council, said: “Since the easing of lockdown, the traffic situation in Sale was becoming unmanageable so we have taken the decision to pull back the cycle lanes to Dane Road. We had followed Government advice to re-designate road space for walking and cycling and the scheme progressed with only minimal disruption to traffic in the initial stages. This has now changed so we have listened to people’s opinions and acted accordingly.”

    The Council is actively working with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) to provide an alternative cycle route from Sale through to Altrincham in addition to new temporary and permanent cycling infrastructure throughout the borough.

    Posted on 24th June 2020

    by Nosheen Haque

    Update on Safe Streets Trafford

    There are over 20,000 residents in Trafford living within a 1km buffer of the A56 (the main focus of Trafford’s temporary walking and cycling measures) including groups which are least likely to have access to a car.

    Given the significant capacity constraints on buses, Metrolink and rail, due to social distancing measures, it’s important that we give those people without a car a viable alternative. Therefore, walking and cycling will play a critical role in enabling people without a car to access jobs, food shops and essential services. These households are often the most vulnerable in society and we must do everything we can to support them as we look to “build back better” from the Covid-19 crisis.

    In response to the Covid-19 crisis and following Central Government guidelines, One Trafford (a partnership between Trafford Council and Amey) are putting emergency works and temporary measures in place to give pedestrians and cyclists more room around Trafford, while making safe and essential journeys. The health of residents in Trafford is a top priority for the council and is at the centre of these emergency plans of creating a safer and greener borough.

    It’s imperative that the immediate focus is on how people can move safely around the borough with proper social distancing and space to walk and cycle. This will:

  • Provide safe walking and cycling facilities for those without access to a car. One in five (20%) of all households in Trafford have no access to a car– the protected routes are a potential lifeline for people who have no other option
  • Provide Trafford commuters travelling into the city centre a viable alternative to public transport. Up to 5,000 workers rely on public transport to regularly get into the city centre through the A56 corridor – currently people are being asked to avoid public transport as space is severely limited - the protected routes provide people with safe alternative options
  • Support the recovery of local town and district centres. 1 in 5 trips to Trafford’s town centres like Altrincham and Sale are by public transport, many of these trips are less than 2km - it’s essential that we give people an alternative way to access these centres; to support economic recovery and to limit the spread of the virus
  • We are carefully monitoring the current situation and collecting data to inform decision making regarding these measures, which will be shared in due course.

    For updates on the scheme follow the conversation @OneTrafford or log your comments at

    Posted on 17th June 2020

    by Nosheen Haque

    A Safer and Greener Borough

    To prevent the spread of Covid-19, Central Government identified funding for local authorities to introduce temporary measures and help communities maintain social distancing.

    Since the pandemic, we witnessed a reduction in people using motor vehicles and instead opting to walk or cycle when travelling short distances across Trafford. Therefore, it was important for me and my team at One Trafford (a partnership between Amey and Trafford Council), to create solutions for people using Trafford Council’s highway network. To support the increased desire of walking and cycling, we have been installing temporary measures to help people maintain social distancing.

    We have installed three pop up cycle lanes and made room for pedestrians at:

  • A5145 Edge Lane, Stretford, between A56 Chester Road and Kings Road
  • A5145 Edge Lane, Stretford, between Kings Road and Cromwell Road
  • Old Hall Lane, Sale, between Dane Road and Wythenshawe Road, southbound
  • In Urmston we have provided temporary measures to maintain social distancing for food establishments at:

  • Flixton Road, Urmston – Malcom’s Pharmacy
  • Station Road, Urmston - Whittakers Fish and Chips
  • Works have also been put in place to prevent vehicular access on Moss Lane, Altrincham, where the route is currently closed to vehicular traffic from Moss Lane to its junction with Oakfield Road.

    We have been engaging with the community by giving them the chance to voice their opinions and requests on social distancing measures via several channels. This includes telephone, email, postal address, social media and a web-based tool known as ‘Commonplace’ which allows residents in Trafford to pinpoint a location and add their comments. The team have used this engagement tool in the past and found that it was very useful when engaging with communities to address their concerns.

    The next stage of the project will be to prioritise the comments received, through using a matrix system. I have created this process to generate a priority score based on a set of variable questions which relate to each individual request. The matrix will generate a score for each request and the highest scoring requests will be progressed further, when planning future works as part of the Safe Streets Trafford initiative.

    I feel that the work we are carrying out will greatly improve walking and cycling within Trafford. The measures we are installing provide cyclists with a semi segregated area where they are free from motor vehicles, this in turn allows the footpath to be free from cyclists, allowing social distancing to be maintained among pedestrians. Also, the reduction of vehicles on our roads will have a positive effect on the current pollution levels, improving the health of the community. Overall, The initiatives we are installing and proposing will have a positive impact on the residents of Trafford.

    Follow the conversation on Twitter

    Article by Troy Cartledge, Traffic Engineer, One Trafford Partnership, Amey Consulting

    Posted on 10th June 2020

    by Troy Cartledge