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Safe Streets Trafford

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Update: Emergency Active Travel Fund

The Department for Transport (DfT) has made funding available to Local Authorities in favour of people’s safe movement, health and wellbeing. ​The emergency grant funding known as Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF), supports local transport authorities with producing cycling and walking facilities.

Greater Manchester was awarded £3.1m as part of the bid submission. Trafford Council and One Trafford Partnership have been allocated £366k funding from the EATF to improve cycling and walking options for residents and commuters across the borough.

The funding stream is split into two tranches:

  • Tranche 1: Primarily supports the installation of temporary projects in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (current phase)
  • Tranche 2: The creation of longer-term projects (delivery deadline is 31 March 2021).
  • In preparation for the Trafford Bid, an online engagement tool (Commonplace) was launched seeking residents’ views and concerns about active travel interventions which could be introduced to assist in making Trafford more active. Over 1600 responses and 11,300 contributions were received including desires for additional safer segregated cycle lanes, lower vehicle speeds and reduced rat-running traffic.

    After careful review and analysis of comments received from the community, One Trafford Partnership (a partnership between Amey and Trafford Council) put forward proposals to roll out a series of measures to encourage more people to walk and cycle and with a focus on lowering vehicle speeds and reducing rat-running traffic.

    Read more about the locations selected for phase one of the delivery plan and the consultation results for the road closures for through traffic and motor vehicles at selected locations:

    Posted on 15th September 2020

    by Nosheen Haque