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Safe Streets Trafford

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News on Safe Streets Trafford

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Update on Safe Streets Trafford

There are over 20,000 residents in Trafford living within a 1km buffer of the A56 (the main focus of Trafford’s temporary walking and cycling measures) including groups which are least likely to have access to a car.

Given the significant capacity constraints on buses, Metrolink and rail, due to social distancing measures, it’s important that we give those people without a car a viable alternative. Therefore, walking and cycling will play a critical role in enabling people without a car to access jobs, food shops and essential services. These households are often the most vulnerable in society and we must do everything we can to support them as we look to “build back better” from the Covid-19 crisis.

In response to the Covid-19 crisis and following Central Government guidelines, One Trafford (a partnership between Trafford Council and Amey) are putting emergency works and temporary measures in place to give pedestrians and cyclists more room around Trafford, while making safe and essential journeys. The health of residents in Trafford is a top priority for the council and is at the centre of these emergency plans of creating a safer and greener borough.

It’s imperative that the immediate focus is on how people can move safely around the borough with proper social distancing and space to walk and cycle. This will:

  • Provide safe walking and cycling facilities for those without access to a car. One in five (20%) of all households in Trafford have no access to a car– the protected routes are a potential lifeline for people who have no other option
  • Provide Trafford commuters travelling into the city centre a viable alternative to public transport. Up to 5,000 workers rely on public transport to regularly get into the city centre through the A56 corridor – currently people are being asked to avoid public transport as space is severely limited - the protected routes provide people with safe alternative options
  • Support the recovery of local town and district centres. 1 in 5 trips to Trafford’s town centres like Altrincham and Sale are by public transport, many of these trips are less than 2km - it’s essential that we give people an alternative way to access these centres; to support economic recovery and to limit the spread of the virus
  • We are carefully monitoring the current situation and collecting data to inform decision making regarding these measures, which will be shared in due course.

    For updates on the scheme follow the conversation @OneTrafford or log your comments at

    Posted on 17th June 2020

    by Nosheen Haque